Thursday, January 13, 2011

What is that?

The other day, I was taking a walk with Julia in my Moby wrap. (It was the blue thing I was carrying her in strawberry post.) There was a lady up ahead of me across the street walking two dogs in the same direction I was going. The dogs kept turning around and barking at me.

I hear the lady say to her dogs, "Quiet, I am not going to put you in one of those."

I am thinking ummm, what is she talking about?

Then when we are directly across the street from one another, our conversation went like this (keep in mind her dogs continue to bark)

Her: What kind is that?

Me: The wrap or the baby?

Her: What kind of dog do you have in there?

*is this lady for real?*

Me: It is an 8 week old baby girl.

Her: Oh, I thought with all of that hair it was a dog, not that your baby looks like a dog, all I saw was that hair.

Me: Yeah, she has a lot of hair....

Her: I don't have my glasses on...the dogs keep barking because they think you have a dog in there.

Me: Yeah okay, no problem. Have a nice day.

Fortunately, I was only a couple houses away from where we were staying, so the awkward conversation ended. Besides who carries their dog in a wrap on their chest anyway?

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