Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fuzzy 100

Last Thursday Cole had his 100th day of school.  To celebrate all of the kids were to bring in 100 of a certain item, (goldfish, coins, stickers, etc).  

Fuzzies aka pom poms, you know those small fuzzy balls used for art projects and such, anyway we call them fuzzies, and they play a part of a reward system in our house for acts of kindness, showing love, things like that.  Needless to say they are cheap and we have a lot of them.  So Cole and I counted out 100 for him to take to school.

The night before the big day Cole and I made him a t-shirt for his 100th day of school. 


Cole insisted on adding the cotton balls, and painting them to complete the look.  We are so creative don't you think?  Not really, but we had fun, and Cole was so proud of his shirt.


So proud.

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