Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cole on the Coal Train

Since this weekends weather was kind of cold, we made a trip to the mall today. Now we don't venture to the mall all that often, but I did remember from the last time I was there, that there was a train to take kids on rides. Cole was thrilled when he saw the train!!

But we had to wait our turn...

Happy to see the train approaching

Cole and I in the coal train
THRILLED to be on the train!!

Derek manned the stoller and diaper bag while Cole and I rode the train, but we were sure to get a picture of them after our train ride :)

After shopping at the mall for a bit, Cole and I shared a pretzel and cheese, and it was SOOO good. Cole had fun dunking his pretzel in cheese, but ended up wearing half of the cheese! ha! We didn't end up getting anything at the mall, but did have success at Target for Cole. I really LOVE the plaid shorts they have out for little boys and found some on sale there. I can't wait to see him in them this summer!! :)

I am really hoping the weather warms up this week so we can spend some quality time outside :)



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