Here is what she has been up to:
- You hold your head up more and more everyday, and turn side to side.
- When you hear my voice you go looking for me,
- You have been a really good sleeper and for that we are grateful, you usually go to bed around 6-7 after your bath and sleep until at least midnight, but usually 1 or so. Once a week since you were born, you have slept 8 hours. Then you usually sleep in 3-4 hour stretches.
- This past week you and your brother have both been napping for 3 hours in the afternoon :) I hope this trend keeps going.
- You are quite the snuggler.
- Everyday you get several kisses from Cole, and when you cry Cole comes up to you and says, "Whats wrong baby girl?" It is so sweet. He is starting to say Julia more, it comes out something the joooeeeah, but it is always baby Julia when he says it :) This picture below cracks me up!
- Your hair prefers to stick straight up! When people see you and meet you they talk about how much hair you have!
- Last week according to our home scale you weigh almost 10 pounds already!
This is probably the best one. Thank you Cole for being so cooperative :)

You both are such a joys! We love you!
Now onto the cookie part. While Julia was napping this morning Cole and I made cookies.
Cole is patiently waiting for the cookies to come out of the oven
Still waiting...with his sidekick (the step stool, he takes it everywhere in the house with him) :)

The cookies cooling off,

I guess when I say don't touch, Cole interprets that as not being able to touch them with his hands, ha!

He is such a sweet boy, and great big brother!

Now onto the cookie part. While Julia was napping this morning Cole and I made cookies.
Cole is patiently waiting for the cookies to come out of the oven

The cookies cooling off,

I guess when I say don't touch, Cole interprets that as not being able to touch them with his hands, ha!

He is such a sweet boy, and great big brother!

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